Friday, November 14, 2008

Women of Achievement Honored


as Martha Stewart Gives Dreamer to Doer Awards,
and Hosts Poet Maya Angelou.

A Comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I just viewed your show with Maya Angelou. I'd like to comment on the Dreamer to Doer element so elegantly displayed about you, Dr. Angelou, and the other women of achievement.

You mentioned you'd like women to submit their valued thoughts and poetic inclinations to you. I would love to see a forum developed for sharing of such word and thought. The spoken art is a craft, a lifestyle after all. It belongs included within your many mediums! It would also open doors for those of us who are artisans within that arena.

My life as a writer, studying with poet Cora Brooks and Boston Globe Arts Editor Robert Taylor, working aside families of Ernest Hemmingway, Dr.William A. McCall and wife Gretchen Schweitzer in Coral Gables, then friend of Virginia Woolf, author May Sarton, has left me stymied, up against this new society. . . . . . . . . . I stand stuck on the cement of every sidewalk -- with a text messenger around my neck that won't respond to any word greater than 'DUR.'

Additionally, with all due respect to many blogs, I find that to say more than 'Hi Ho' is too much talk and the moderator swiftly files you to the floor.

Is artful writing a dead business?


Those who treat the word as their dance are those who create the goosebumps, win the elections and become the Maya Angelous of society.

I would appreciate your effort to unshovel thoughtful writers, to allow the occasional connotative word a home, and to support that finely spun language be a guest of honor at every table.

Please create us a forum. It belongs with all of the other 'good things' upon your table.

Andrea Spencer


markiesnana said...

It seems I've always been a blogger at heart
And reading others' words oft gives me a start
I clicked on the blog of a very old friend
And what I saw made me write and click "send".
There I found a pic of my old dear pal
With something growing below her eyeball.
Well, just below her nose, in fact
Was something small, bushy and black.
I'm puzzled by this growth and wonder aloud...
Is a "stash" required now for the "in" crowd?
If so, I'll go now and throw out my stuff
Like removal creams and things to fight fluff
Although mine's blonde, I look like a wreck
So I always attempt to keep mine in check.
But if it's in style, I'll gladly comply
And try not to wince when they call me a guy.
This could be a new freedom for women my age
I'll put on my red had and look like a sage.

Borat said...

This poem is BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!



From "I am my own Borat."